SA Union: Van Riebeeck Tercentenary: Festival Twin Set of 1952: 1/2oz Gold 22 carat & Silver 11.8 grams.
Live Auction
Sale # 103: Live Auction Wednesday 31st July 2024 @ 8pm
SA Union: Van Riebeeck Tercentenary: Festival Twin Set of 1952.
1) Half oz Gold 22 carat (15.97 grams)
2) Silver 11.8 grams.
Reported mintage (AM2) 1,522 in gold and 1,801 in silver. This pair comes in original S.A. Mint case of issue.
Jan van Riebeeck was tasked by the Dutch East India Company with the establishment of a refreshment station for ships on passage between the Netherlands and the Dutch East Indies. He arrived at the Cape of Good Hope aboard the Drommedaris in 1652 and thus he and his party became the first Europeans to settle in South African.
The obverse design of van Riebeeck is taken from his statue in Cape Town Main Square.
Ref: AM2: 306; Laidlaw: 0250.
In original SA Mint case of issue.